Monday, December 14, 2009

Operating Guidelines

Operating Guidelines of

The mission of The 300 is to forge the collective strength and resources of lesbian, gay,
bisexual, transgender, questioning and allied individuals, joined together in the spirit of
giving to support causes that enhance the quality of life in Western North Carolina.

The official name of the organization is The 300 Society, a.k.a. The 300. We are a
participating membership fund of The Community Foundation of Western North Carolina.
The fund was created by a group of individuals for the purpose of friendship and collective
charity funding.
Candidates for membership shall be nominated and recommended by one existing member
to the Membership Committee. The minimum annual contribution to the fund of $1,250
per person will be required for membership. This contribution is allocated as follows:
• $1,100.00 is paid by separate check to the CFWNC and is used exclusively for grants.
• $150.00 is paid to The 300 Society to cover administrative costs and some social
• The ability to have a greater financial impact on non-profit organizations than we
can as individuals through the power of the giving circle.
• The potential to raise the positive profile of the Western North Carolina LGBTQ
• Contributions to the fund, with the exception of the $150 administration/events fee,
are tax deductable as provided by law.
• Input on the decision as to which grants are to be given annually by The 300.
• Networking opportunities with other members.
• Opportunity to participate in the social activities and committees of The 300.

There shall be an annual meeting in the late spring of each year that will be publicized to the
members of The 300. All members are urged to attend the annual meeting. Attendance of
ten percent (10%) of the full membership shall constitute a quorum. If a quorum is not
present at the annual meeting, any business requiring timely action will be deferred to the
The Board of Directors. Those members who vote by written notification will be counted
as part of the ten percent required for the annual meeting.
A. The Board of Directors (The Board)
1. The Board is responsible for the overall functioning of The 300, including, but
not limited to:
a. management, operations and financial stewardship;
b. membership development;
c. final approval of the grant making list;
d. overseeing any educational programming and special events;
e. setting meeting dates and agendas;
f. facilitating communication among committees;
g. reporting accomplishments to the general membership; and,
h. shall appoint chairpersons of the Standing Committees and Special
2. Composition of the The Board and terms of service:
a. The The Board will consist of the officers of The 300 including Chairperson
or Co-Chairs, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and a minimum of one
and maximum of seven Members-at-Large to insure an odd number of
voting committee members. The immediate past Chairperson is a nonvoting
board member for one additional year following his/her term as
b. The term of service for the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary and
Treasurer shall be two years with a maximum of two terms. After two
consecutive terms, a member may not serve again until after an absence of
one year.
c. The term of service for Members-at-Large shall be one year with a
maximum of three consecutive terms. After three consecutive terms, a
Member-at-Large may not serve again until after an absence of one year.
d. Elections are held once a year at the annual meeting. The Board members
shall be nominated by the Nominating Committee and elected by majority
e. Newly elected members shall assume their duties immediately after the
annual meeting.
f. Any member of The Board may be removed by a two-thirds vote of all
Board members.
g. Newly created Board memberships positions resulting from an increase in
the number of Committee members elected and vacancies arising at any
time and from any cause may be filled by any person who is (a) nominated
by the Nominating Committee and (b) elected by a majority vote of the
remaining Board members. A Board member who is elected to fill a
vacancy shall hold office until the expiration of his/her predecessor’s term.
3. The Officers of The Board shall be: Chairperson or Co-Chairs, Vice-
Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer.
a. Chairperson: The Chairperson is responsible for the general supervision of
The 300. The Chairperson shall preside at meetings of The Board and the
b. Vice-Chair: In the absence of the chair, the Vice-Chairperson will preside.
The Vice-Chairperson is the liaison between all Standing Committees,
Special Committees and The Board.
c. Secretary: The Secretary shall record the actions of The Board.
d. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall establish a budget for the activities of The 300
and shall keep The Board informed of the financial status of The 300.
4. Officers and Members at Large will be presented by the Nominating Committee
or nominated from the floor and elected by majority vote at the Annual Meeting.
5. All positions are open to nomination from the floor.
6. Meetings
a. The Board will hold a minimum of four meetings per year at a time and
place of its choosing.
b. The Chair may call special meetings as needed.
c. Attendance of at least fifty percent (50%) of The Board shall constitute a
d. Board members unable to attend may issue their vote by proxy.
B. Standing Committees
1. The Standing Committees listed below shall carry out the work of The 300. Each
Committee shall have a minimum of three members.
2. The three Standing Committees shall be The Grants Committee, The
Membership Committee, and The Special Events Committee.
a. The Grants Committee: The committee shall establish the criteria for the
awarding of grants and implement the grant-making process. The committee
shall solicit recommendations for grants from the entire membership. For
grant award recommendations, each member will be afforded two votes.
The committee will review all suggestions/votes and provide their approved
list to The Board for final approval. Approval by The Board will not be
withheld without written explanation to the Grants Committee. The
committee is then entitled to a meeting with The Board.
b. The Membership Committee: The committee is responsible for acting on the
recommendations for new membership by other members. Nominations for
membership are to be submitted to the committee in writing.
c. The Special Events Committee: The committee is responsible for hosting special
events for The 300. Special events can be but are not limited to: parties,
informational meetings, presentations by speakers, and special fund raising
events. Any fundraising events are to be approved in advance by The Board.
Note: Any mention of The Community Foundation of Western North
Carolina on any posters, promotional material, letterhead, brochures, website
content, radio and television announcements for the purpose of fund raising
must have the PRIOR approval by CFWNC before any publication or
printing. All such materials must clearly state the Fund’s name as “The
300 Society of The Community Foundation of Western North
Carolina”. As members have already earmarked $1,100.00 for charity, it is
not expected that any fundraising events are required.
C. Special Committees
1. Ad-hoc Special Committees may be established by The Board. A Special
Committee shall limit its activities to the accomplishment of the task for which it
is established. Chairs of Special Committees will attend Board meetings at the
discretion of the Board Chairperson.
a. Nominating Committee: The committee shall be appointed by The Board two
months prior to the Annual Meeting to prepare a slate of Officers for the
membership. Once such a slate is prepared and given to The Board, to be
included in the agenda for the Annual Meeting, this committee shall no
longer exist.
Amendments to The Guidelines, consistent with the mission of The Society of the 300 and the
policies of The Community Foundation of Western North Carolina, may be adopted by a two thirds
vote of the full membership at the annual meeting. Such proposed changes must be
provided to the full membership by the Secretary in writing at least two weeks prior to the
annual meeting.
Guidelines approved by a majority of the Charter Members, May 5, 2009.

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