Thursday, April 15, 2010


The Board of Directors, in an effort to implement a cost effective and practical means of reaching our members and prospects, decided to use a blog.  The blog space is free, as is the editing software, and it is supported by my volunteer efforts. The blog will be updated regularly and serve to keep members and prospects current on the growth and development of The 300.  To help facilitate user-friendliness, let me walk you through the content:

In April the blog will inform you of the upcoming annual meeting, how to join The 300 during our Spring membership drive,  and provide information about our 2nd Round grant-making process, including application guidelines and the grant application.

An ongoing archive of blog postings, located in the right sidebar, includes postings covering such items as:

  • the 2009 Holiday Reception for grant recipients
  • the operating guidelines which outline our relationship with the Community Foundation of Western North Carolina
  • The 300 Society's Ethics Policy
Sidebar elements also provide a quick overview of pertinent information, such as:

  • the current Board of Directors
  • Grants awarded during the 1st Round (Fall 2009)
  • a current list of organizations sponsored by members
The blog also provides a word search tool for finding items of interest and, at the bottom of the space, links to pertinent documents down-loadable through

The Board and I look forward to your feedback on how to make this blog an even more effective tool for supporting the mission of The 300 and for bringing our community together.

Rob Burress
Volunteer Blog Master - 2010