Joe McGuire, Chair of the Board of Directors of the Center for Diversity Education, spoke about the training for teachers and counselors that will be undertaken as they use their grant to support implementation of recent anti-bullying legislation. He was followed by Stephen DerMargosian, Chair of the Youth OUTright Board of Directors, who presented an overview of that organization and the need for such a program to support questioning youth in our area. NC Equality Foundation was not able to come from Raleigh so a statement was read on their behalf outlining their plans for developing a 1,000 person advocacy network in WNC.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Member's Holiday Reception
The 300 members came together this past Sunday for a fun-filled time of food and fellowship at the Montford home of Harvey Jenkins and Silvio Moura. Surrounded by the festive decorations of the Season, members from across the region got to know one another and heard presentations from the three agencies that were awarded grants during our first round of giving.
Joe McGuire, Chair of the Board of Directors of the Center for Diversity Education, spoke about the training for teachers and counselors that will be undertaken as they use their grant to support implementation of recent anti-bullying legislation. He was followed by Stephen DerMargosian, Chair of the Youth OUTright Board of Directors, who presented an overview of that organization and the need for such a program to support questioning youth in our area. NC Equality Foundation was not able to come from Raleigh so a statement was read on their behalf outlining their plans for developing a 1,000 person advocacy network in WNC.
Joe McGuire addressing those in attendance
Joe McGuire, Chair of the Board of Directors of the Center for Diversity Education, spoke about the training for teachers and counselors that will be undertaken as they use their grant to support implementation of recent anti-bullying legislation. He was followed by Stephen DerMargosian, Chair of the Youth OUTright Board of Directors, who presented an overview of that organization and the need for such a program to support questioning youth in our area. NC Equality Foundation was not able to come from Raleigh so a statement was read on their behalf outlining their plans for developing a 1,000 person advocacy network in WNC.
Stephen DerMargosian presents an overview of Youth OUTright
Board Members present at the Holiday Reception on December 13th 2009 (seated left to right; Jerri Goldberg, James Harrison, Harvey Jenkins, Dan Ray, and standing; John Fritchie, Guillermo Rodriguez, Burt Hellman)
Monday, December 14, 2009
Operating Guidelines
Operating Guidelines of
The mission of The 300 is to forge the collective strength and resources of lesbian, gay,
bisexual, transgender, questioning and allied individuals, joined together in the spirit of
giving to support causes that enhance the quality of life in Western North Carolina.
The official name of the organization is The 300 Society, a.k.a. The 300. We are a
participating membership fund of The Community Foundation of Western North Carolina.
The fund was created by a group of individuals for the purpose of friendship and collective
charity funding.
Candidates for membership shall be nominated and recommended by one existing member
to the Membership Committee. The minimum annual contribution to the fund of $1,250
per person will be required for membership. This contribution is allocated as follows:
• $1,100.00 is paid by separate check to the CFWNC and is used exclusively for grants.
• $150.00 is paid to The 300 Society to cover administrative costs and some social
• The ability to have a greater financial impact on non-profit organizations than we
can as individuals through the power of the giving circle.
• The potential to raise the positive profile of the Western North Carolina LGBTQ
• Contributions to the fund, with the exception of the $150 administration/events fee,
are tax deductable as provided by law.
• Input on the decision as to which grants are to be given annually by The 300.
• Networking opportunities with other members.
• Opportunity to participate in the social activities and committees of The 300.
There shall be an annual meeting in the late spring of each year that will be publicized to the
members of The 300. All members are urged to attend the annual meeting. Attendance of
ten percent (10%) of the full membership shall constitute a quorum. If a quorum is not
present at the annual meeting, any business requiring timely action will be deferred to the
The Board of Directors. Those members who vote by written notification will be counted
as part of the ten percent required for the annual meeting.
A. The Board of Directors (The Board)
1. The Board is responsible for the overall functioning of The 300, including, but
not limited to:
a. management, operations and financial stewardship;
b. membership development;
c. final approval of the grant making list;
d. overseeing any educational programming and special events;
e. setting meeting dates and agendas;
f. facilitating communication among committees;
g. reporting accomplishments to the general membership; and,
h. shall appoint chairpersons of the Standing Committees and Special
2. Composition of the The Board and terms of service:
a. The The Board will consist of the officers of The 300 including Chairperson
or Co-Chairs, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and a minimum of one
and maximum of seven Members-at-Large to insure an odd number of
voting committee members. The immediate past Chairperson is a nonvoting
board member for one additional year following his/her term as
b. The term of service for the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary and
Treasurer shall be two years with a maximum of two terms. After two
consecutive terms, a member may not serve again until after an absence of
one year.
c. The term of service for Members-at-Large shall be one year with a
maximum of three consecutive terms. After three consecutive terms, a
Member-at-Large may not serve again until after an absence of one year.
d. Elections are held once a year at the annual meeting. The Board members
shall be nominated by the Nominating Committee and elected by majority
e. Newly elected members shall assume their duties immediately after the
annual meeting.
f. Any member of The Board may be removed by a two-thirds vote of all
Board members.
g. Newly created Board memberships positions resulting from an increase in
the number of Committee members elected and vacancies arising at any
time and from any cause may be filled by any person who is (a) nominated
by the Nominating Committee and (b) elected by a majority vote of the
remaining Board members. A Board member who is elected to fill a
vacancy shall hold office until the expiration of his/her predecessor’s term.
3. The Officers of The Board shall be: Chairperson or Co-Chairs, Vice-
Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer.
a. Chairperson: The Chairperson is responsible for the general supervision of
The 300. The Chairperson shall preside at meetings of The Board and the
b. Vice-Chair: In the absence of the chair, the Vice-Chairperson will preside.
The Vice-Chairperson is the liaison between all Standing Committees,
Special Committees and The Board.
c. Secretary: The Secretary shall record the actions of The Board.
d. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall establish a budget for the activities of The 300
and shall keep The Board informed of the financial status of The 300.
4. Officers and Members at Large will be presented by the Nominating Committee
or nominated from the floor and elected by majority vote at the Annual Meeting.
5. All positions are open to nomination from the floor.
6. Meetings
a. The Board will hold a minimum of four meetings per year at a time and
place of its choosing.
b. The Chair may call special meetings as needed.
c. Attendance of at least fifty percent (50%) of The Board shall constitute a
d. Board members unable to attend may issue their vote by proxy.
B. Standing Committees
1. The Standing Committees listed below shall carry out the work of The 300. Each
Committee shall have a minimum of three members.
2. The three Standing Committees shall be The Grants Committee, The
Membership Committee, and The Special Events Committee.
a. The Grants Committee: The committee shall establish the criteria for the
awarding of grants and implement the grant-making process. The committee
shall solicit recommendations for grants from the entire membership. For
grant award recommendations, each member will be afforded two votes.
The committee will review all suggestions/votes and provide their approved
list to The Board for final approval. Approval by The Board will not be
withheld without written explanation to the Grants Committee. The
committee is then entitled to a meeting with The Board.
b. The Membership Committee: The committee is responsible for acting on the
recommendations for new membership by other members. Nominations for
membership are to be submitted to the committee in writing.
c. The Special Events Committee: The committee is responsible for hosting special
events for The 300. Special events can be but are not limited to: parties,
informational meetings, presentations by speakers, and special fund raising
events. Any fundraising events are to be approved in advance by The Board.
Note: Any mention of The Community Foundation of Western North
Carolina on any posters, promotional material, letterhead, brochures, website
content, radio and television announcements for the purpose of fund raising
must have the PRIOR approval by CFWNC before any publication or
printing. All such materials must clearly state the Fund’s name as “The
300 Society of The Community Foundation of Western North
Carolina”. As members have already earmarked $1,100.00 for charity, it is
not expected that any fundraising events are required.
C. Special Committees
1. Ad-hoc Special Committees may be established by The Board. A Special
Committee shall limit its activities to the accomplishment of the task for which it
is established. Chairs of Special Committees will attend Board meetings at the
discretion of the Board Chairperson.
a. Nominating Committee: The committee shall be appointed by The Board two
months prior to the Annual Meeting to prepare a slate of Officers for the
membership. Once such a slate is prepared and given to The Board, to be
included in the agenda for the Annual Meeting, this committee shall no
longer exist.
Amendments to The Guidelines, consistent with the mission of The Society of the 300 and the
policies of The Community Foundation of Western North Carolina, may be adopted by a two thirds
vote of the full membership at the annual meeting. Such proposed changes must be
provided to the full membership by the Secretary in writing at least two weeks prior to the
annual meeting.
Guidelines approved by a majority of the Charter Members, May 5, 2009.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
The 300 Society Ethics Policy
This Ethics Policy is adopted by the Board of Directors (collectively, the “Board” or the “Directors” and individually a “Director” or a “Member”) of The 300 Society (“The Society”). The Board is committed to maintaining the highest legal and ethical standards in the conduct of the business of The Society, and to protecting the integrity and reputation of The Society, the Board and all the employees, donors, volunteers and programs of The Society.
Under established principles of law and sound business ethics, the Directors and the employees of The Society (the “Staff”) are responsible for exercising their duties honestly, in good faith, and with a reasonable amount of diligence and care. Accordingly, the Directors and Staff have an obligation to keep the welfare of The Society at all times paramount in order to ensure that they 1) do not compromise their independence of judgment, 2) preserve confidence and trust in the organization and the Board, and 3) protect and fulfill the mission of The Society. Every Director and member of the Staff has a duty of loyalty to The Society. Therefore, other activities and financial interests must be arranged so as not to interfere with the primacy of that commitment. This policy will assist Directors and Staff as they identify actual or potential conflicts of interest and provide the Board with a procedure to address any conflicts.
Personal and Professional Integrity: The Board and Staff, as well as volunteers and advisors of The Society, must conduct themselves in an honest and ethical manner, including the ethical handling of actual or apparent conflicts of interest, as set forth below.
Financial Stewardship: The Society manages its funds responsibly and prudently. It oversees the funds entrusted to it consistent with donor intent and to support the public purpose of The Society and the communities in which it operates. It ensures that all spending practices and policies are reasonable and appropriate and all financial reports are factually accurate and complete in all material respects. As a tax-exempt charity, The Society uses and expends its funds in a manner that advances the charitable mission and objectives of The Society and not the private interests of Directors or Staff.
Fundraising and Donor Relations: Solicitation of donors will be respectful of the needs and interests of the donor or potential donor. The Society will assure that gifts will be used for the purposes for which they were given and respect the privacy of individual donors and funds.
Grantmaking: The Society will have constructive relationships with grant seekers based on mutual respect and shared goals, and will seek to understand and respect the mission, organizational capacity and needs of grant seeking organizations.
Inclusiveness and Diversity: The Society seeks to promote inclusiveness and diversity among its Staff, Board and community partners and hopes to benefit from the perspectives of many different individuals and organizations within the community.
Transparency: The Society provides comprehensive and timely information to the public and is responsive to reasonable requests for information about its activities.
Accuracy and Retention of Records: The Society will create and maintain records that satisfy operational and legal requirements including federal, state and local laws.
Political Activities: The Society will generally refrain from conducting political activities. Unless otherwise expressly authorized by the Board, the Board, Staff, volunteers, vendors and contractors must not use their relationship with The Society to promote or oppose candidates or parties or to create the appearance that The Society endorses or opposes a candidate or party.
Endorsements and Use of The Society’s Name: The Society’s name may not be used by any person to endorse or gain support for a cause without express authorization from The Board.
Questions, Concerns or Reports of Violations: Questions should be directed to the Chair of the Board of Directors. If you believe a colleague is violating the obligations or expectations of this Section I, or otherwise acting in an illegal or unethical manner, it is your duty to report it. Doing so is not an act of disloyalty, but of loyalty to The Society and the principles that it intends to uphold and the type of community that it hopes to foster in all areas of its service. A report also safeguards the reputation and assets of The Society, and can safeguard an individual from criminal, civil or disciplinary action for failure to report a crime or ethical lapse.
Staff Obligations: In addition to this policy, staff members shall also be obliged to conduct themselves in accordance with, among other things, the employee policies of The Society, such as the employment conflicts of interest policy.
Standard of Disclosure: For purposes of this policy, the standard of disclosure shall be to the best knowledge and belief of the disclosing party.
Conflict of Interest Defined. For purposes of this policy, the following circumstances shall be deemed to create potential Conflicts of Interest:
Direct Interest:
A Director or Family Member has an existing or potential Material Financial Interest in a Transaction that impairs or might reasonably impair the independent, unbiased judgment of the Director in the discharge of his or her responsibilities to The Society; or
Indirect Interest:
A Director has a Material Financial Interest in another entity which is a party to the Transaction, including without limitation a Potential Grant Recipient; or
A Director or Family Member has a Material Affiliation or other relationship with the other parties to a Transaction, including without limitation a Potential Grant Recipient; or
A Director has a Material Affiliation with another entity that is a party to the Transaction, including without limitation a Potential Grant Recipient.
iii. Disclosure of Client Names: Nothing herein shall require that any Director disclose the name of a client or clients in order to disclose a Conflict of Interest. It shall be sufficient that a Director discloses a potential Conflict of Interest, with names excluded.
Other Definitions
Affiliation or Affiliate: A Director has an affiliation or is affiliated with an entity if he or she or any of his or her Family Members holds any of the following positions with such entity:
member of the Board of Directors or other governing body;
member of any committee or subcommittee of any governing body;
consultant with sufficient influence to control or substantially benefit from the affairs of the entity;
donor of sufficient amounts to control or substantially benefit from the affairs of the entity;
volunteer with sufficient influence to control or substantially benefit from the affairs of the entity, or
other position of influence, if the influence is sufficient to control or substantially benefit from the affairs of the entity.
Confidential Information: Including but not limited to any information marked or otherwise noted by The Society as confidential, any proprietary information of The Society, or any non-public information that might be useful to any party if disclosed. Provided that, any information that is otherwise public or any information disclosed under power of subpoena, shall not be construed to be Confidential Information.
Conflict of Interest: Any circumstance described in II.b. above.
Family Member: Any spouse, child, parent, domestic partner, spouse of a child, or person living in the household of a Director.
Material Affiliation: An affiliation that impairs or might reasonably impair the independent unbiased judgment of the Director in the discharge of his or her responsibilities to The Society.
Material Financial Interest: A direct or indirect (through an Affiliate or Family Member) ownership interest of sufficient amount to provide influence over the activities of any corporation, partnership, limited liability company, unincorporated association or other entity, or ownership of a general partnership interest of any size.
Potential Grant Recipient: Any person, organization or entity that has applied to The Society for a competitive grant of money or services.
Transaction: Any agreement, relationship or activity to which The Society is a party that involves:
the sale or purchase of goods or services, including without limitation real property, personal property, goods, services or rights of any kind, or
providing or receipt of a loan or grant of any kind.
Prior Disclosure: The disclosure of a Conflict of Interest should occur prior to entering into the proposed Transaction and prior to any consideration of the proposed Transaction by the Board.
Transaction Subject to Board Action:
When in Attendance: Prior to Board action on a Transaction involving a Conflict of Interest, a Director having a Conflict of Interest, who is in attendance at the meeting at which the Transaction shall be considered, shall disclose all facts material to the Conflict of Interest, except client names as provided in 2.b.iii. Such disclosure shall be made as soon as the Conflict of Interest is known to the Director.
Transaction Not Subject to Board Action: A Director who has a Conflict of Interest with respect to a Transaction that is not the subject of Board action shall disclose to the Chair of the Board any such Conflict of Interest. Such disclosure shall be made as soon as the Conflict of Interest is known to the Director.
Untimely Disclosure: If a Director fails to disclose the Conflict of Interest before the Board acts on a Transaction as to which a Director has a Conflict of Interest, then the Director shall promptly submit a written statement to the Board setting forth all facts material to the Conflict of Interest, along with an explanation concerning the untimely nature of the notice.
Failure to Disclose: If the Board has reasonable cause to believe that a Director failed to disclose an actual or potential conflict of Interest, the Board shall inform the Director of the basis for such belief and afford the Director an opportunity to explain the alleged failure to disclose. After hearing the Director’s explanation and conducting such investigation as may be warranted under the circumstances, the Board may determine that the Director failed to disclose an actual Conflict of Interest. In such event, the Board shall vote on corrective action, which shall be either reprimand (confidential or public, in the discretion of the Board) or dismissal from the Board.
Vote by Disinterested Board Members
Nonparticipation of Board Member with Conflict: A Director who has a Conflict of Interest shall not vote nor participate in nor be permitted to hear the Board’s discussion of the matter, except to disclose material facts and to respond to questions. Such Director shall not attempt to exert his or her influence with respect to the matter, either during or outside the meeting.
Action by Disinterested Board Members: After disclosure of a potential Conflict of Interest, disinterested members of the Board shall determine whether a Conflict of Interest exists. If the Board concludes that a Conflict of Interest exists, the Board shall determine by voting whether the Transaction should be authorized, approved or ratified. The vote shall be conducted as follows:
Conflict Directors Depart: Directors with a Conflict of Interest shall leave the room in which the meeting is conducted.
Majority of Disinterested Directors Required to Approve: A majority of the disinterested Directors, without regard to any quorum requirement, must vote affirmatively for the Transaction to be authorized, approved or ratified. However, a Transaction cannot be authorized, approved or ratified by a single Director.
Vote Not Disallowed by Presence of Conflict Directors: The presence of or a vote cast by a Director with a Conflict of Interest in a Transaction does not affect the validity of a vote regarding the Transaction, if the Transaction otherwise is authorized, approved or ratified as prescribed in subsection ii.2.b.
Documentation. The Board Secretary shall keep accurate minutes reporting:
Conflict Disclosed: That the Conflict of Interest was disclosed;
Nonparticipation of Board Member with Conflict: That the Director or Directors with a Conflict of Interest left the room and did not participate in the vote regarding the Transaction; and
Vote of Disinterested Board Members: That the remaining, disinterested Directors reviewed the Transaction and voted upon it, and the result of their vote.
Reporting Potential Conflicts of Interest
A Director shall report violations or concerns regarding potential violations of this policy, and violations or concerns regarding potential violations of laws, regulations, rules, practices, procedures or other policies to the Chair, Vice Chair or staff of the Board as appropriate as soon as possible. If a Director is uncertain
regarding whether a particular act or situation is unethical or illegal, he or she shall disclose the circumstances to the Chair of the Board.
No Improper Disclosure. A Director shall exercise care not to disclose Confidential Information.
No Use of Information for Personal Benefit. A Director shall not use The Society’s property, Confidential Information or the status of his or her position to solicit business for others or in any other manner obtain a private financial, social or political benefit.
Every Director shall deal fairly with The Society’s staff, donors, volunteers, vendors, customers, suppliers and others. Directors shall not take unfair advantage of anyone or any situation through manipulation, concealment, abuse of Confidential Information, misrepresentation of facts or any unfair practice.
New Board Members. Each new Director shall review a copy of this policy and shall complete the Annual Statement of Disclosure and Compliance attached hereto.
Annual Review. Each Director shall annually complete the Annual Statement of Disclosure and Compliance. The Board shall treat completed Annual Statements of Disclosure and Compliance as Confidential Information.
The 300 Society
I have reviewed The 300 Society (“The Society”) Ethics Policy. If a possible ethical issue arises in my responsibilities to The Society, I recognize that I have the obligation to call it to the attention of the Board of Directors as set forth in the Ethics Policy and to follow the Ethics Policy as to any consideration of any potential conflict of interest or other ethical matter.
To the best of my knowledge, the following is a listing of all organizations, institutions, corporations, partnerships or other associations or entities in which I have a Material Financial Interest (direct or indirect, as defined in the Ethics Policy) or with which I am Affiliated (also as defined in the Ethics Policy). Client names need not be disclosed if they are protected by confidentiality agreements or codes of professional ethics, but potential conflicts, without disclosure of such client names, must be noted at the time they arise.
Organization/Entity Position/Affiliation
Please describe below or on a separate sheet any relationships, positions or circumstances in which could raise an ethical issue.
I hereby certify that the information set forth on this page and any attachments is true and complete to the best of my knowledge.
____________________________________ Date: ____________
Member Sponsorships
Members of The 300 may each sponsor two charities for grant consideration. Sponsorships to date:
Blue Ridge Pride
Center for Diversity Education
Equality North Carolina Foundation
Room at the Inn
The Health Adventure
Youth OUTright
Blue Ridge Pride
Center for Diversity Education
Equality North Carolina Foundation
Room at the Inn
The Health Adventure
Youth OUTright
Grant Awards - Round One
Center for Diversity Education ... 4,200 dollars
To fund fees for two trainers from "Ground Spark" to train teachers, counselors, and others about bullying. Training to take place in a 2010 conference. Supported locally by Citizens of the School Violence Prevention Act.
Equality NC Foundation ... 3,500 dollars
To promote locally organized LGBTQ events in Western North Carolina. Specifically, to hire a graduate student to engage 1,000 new on-line advocates in Ashevile, Boone, and surrounding areas.
Youth OUTright ... 5,000 dollars
To hire a part-time program director to manage activities of the organization. This will be the organization's first paid staff position.
To fund fees for two trainers from "Ground Spark" to train teachers, counselors, and others about bullying. Training to take place in a 2010 conference. Supported locally by Citizens of the School Violence Prevention Act.
Equality NC Foundation ... 3,500 dollars
To promote locally organized LGBTQ events in Western North Carolina. Specifically, to hire a graduate student to engage 1,000 new on-line advocates in Ashevile, Boone, and surrounding areas.
Youth OUTright ... 5,000 dollars
To hire a part-time program director to manage activities of the organization. This will be the organization's first paid staff position.
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